The ToDrinQ 2nd General Assembly was held on 21-22 November 2023 in La Châble, Switzerland. Here, the project hosts its Demo Case #3 where water is collected from the glaciers and snow.
During the first day of the meeting, partners enjoyed an incredible visit to the project’s Demo Case #3 in Val de Bagnes, where the water collected, mainly comes from lake glacier , snow melting and rain.
With global warming, the region is facing diminishing access to water and increasing pollution. Here, ToDrinQ will work together with ALTIS Groupe SA to develop sensors for monitoring water quality
After a delightful evening of networking, the second and last day of the General Assembly was dedicated to workshop, discussions and brainstorming around different developments of work packages and demo cases.
Exchanging ideas and fostering collaboration are key to achieving ToDrinQ’s success. We thank all participants for their invaluable contributions and expertise provided during the last two days. We also extend our gratitude to the ALTIS Groupe team for the fantastic organisation and wonderful time together.