Demo Case 5

 Prague, Czech Republic


As part of the Prague Water Supply and Sewerage System the Prague, Podolí DWTP abstracts the raw water from the River Vltava which crosses the city of Prague and is prone to variations in flow and quality. The process train is composed of 3 steps of treatment with the GAC filtration recently added to enhance the removal of organic micropollutants and improve taste and odour.

Key facts

  • The occurrence and monitoring of organic micropollutants only rely on a periodic collection of samples with analyses performed by a certified laboratory.
  • The lead time to gather the analytical results impedes the possibility of quickly detecting the occurrence of pollution as well as monitoring the corrective actions.

Expected impacts

  • Improve early detection of elevated concentrations of organic micropollutants compounds, such as pesticides, and metals.
  • Better knowledge of treatment technologies able to remove these micropollutants.
  • Treatment upgrade for further enhancing and securing the distributed water quality.

Partners involved

Veolia Czech Republic